Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I obligation to know how to reformat my mac laptop? can someone please bring up to date me how?

i want to totally reset my laptop stern to factory settings.


Step One: BACKUP! The easiest way to do this would be to use Carbon Copy Cloner near an external hard drive (link contained by sources).

Step Two: Insert your OS X install disc. Reboot your computer and hold down the C key when you hear the dong and hold on to it held down until the Apple logo shows up. Select your language and dance through the standard installation procedure. When the installation is complete, you will have a fresh copy of OS X on your computer, and adjectives of your old files will be gone.

Step Three: Restore your ripened files to the new installation. This can be done next to Carbon Copy Cloner as well.

NOTE: If the explanation you are doing this is because you are experiencing problems, and you still experience problems after you reinstall the OS, then you have need of to try to zero out your rock-hard drive. To do this, boot from your install CD again. Open Disk Utility, select your strong drive, go to the Erase tab, and press the Security Options leeway. Select Zero Out Data and press OK. Then press the Erase button. Once that is done, stir back to step two to reinstall the OS.

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